Saturday, March 31, 2012

Yesterday me and Ellen went for lunch with Alibaba and his cousin in souk al Bahar next to the fountain/Dubaimall a nice place that I can recomend..

After that we went home to get ready to go to Blue Marlin Ibiza U.A.E.. A crazy night I don't want to do again.. I fell down from the couch, my back hurts so much I can't even walk today, don't know if its a fracture, but the doctors can't do anything about that anyway so it's just to bite the bullet..Me and Ellen were fighting as small kids.. But who cares today is a new day *Thank god for that..

So today is a recovery day at home..

Friday, March 30, 2012

Some Pictures from the yachtparty two day's ago..

Champagne should be dry, cold and for free

The weekend is finally here and we are planning on where we will end up. XL Beach club that celebrates 1 year with Estelle live performance or Blue Marlin Ibiza UAE ?? Hard decisions lol.
Blue Marlin had the grand opening 2 weeks ago and that weekend was crazy. On the first day we went there on a yacht with some friends and the day after we ended up there again from 4pm till 4am, what a weekend....


Did some shopping this week. A new bikini from Just Cavalli and a pair of Sunglasses from Marc Jacobs =)
I am ready for the crazy summer of 2012

Thursday, March 29, 2012

A little bit of everything

Barasti is the place to be

Solbäddar,solstolar,restaurang,alkohol allt har dom, härligt att slippa all äcklig sand..Legat och solat hela dagen och spelat Beach tennis med Emma baby Bear, men den hemska träningsvärken från Jetski åkningen häromdagen dödar mig fortfarande..Kanske dags att sätta igång med hårdträningen snart så man är fit innan sommarens galna äventyr..

Men nu är det dags för frukost å vila upp sig så man är Fresh for tonight...

Men på tal om nått helt annat...
fick jag nyss ett samtal från min gamla jobbarkompis och fick prata en stund med en av mina gamla älsklingstanter..Underbart att höra hennes röst och possitivitet igen..Att kunna ha den livsglädjen och livsenergin som hon har, när man är i hennes ålder och med hennes problematik är helt ofattbart.. Önskar att alla skulle kunna träffa henne å ta del av hennes vishet.. Det är en ära att ha fått lära känna henne och fått ta del av hennes lärdomar.En person jag alltid kommer ha i mina tankar..

Love Sara

Praying for life
The only reason why we all should be thankful for life is because of our mothers.
They gave us life and made us come to earth.
Tonight I'm praying for my mother, even though I'm not very religious but since she will go through a tough surgery tomorrow and I am not able to be there.
Please all of you, be careful, take care of the people around you, life is not always easy, and sometimes we all need to go through tough times.
I love all of you who support me and my family at this time and always.

Lots of love
xx Emma

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I love this song *dancinglikealunaticalloverthehousesmiley*

Recovery day

Been home all day with Emma working as maids, cleaning the house and recovering from yesterday.

Ordered home delivery from a really good Indian restaurant..
That is one of the things I really love about Dubai that you can order home delivery from every store every dining place for free,when you don't feel like doing anything..Or you just have a bad hangover as I have today..

*Except from IKEA..But it's a swedish company so I'm not really surprised*

But now it's time to get back to real life and get ready for tonights yacht party..

I'll update you more about that later

See ya xx Sara
Flashback from yesterday

To many bottles of Rose wine, Jetskiing, waterskiing and beach sports for twelve hours with E & M..
The result: Can't walk today.My muscles are killing me...

                                                                      I love Barasti beach

Har nog inte haft så här roligt på länge..

xx Sara

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

This is SO Dubai LMAO

The most important thing in life

Lovely dinner with a lovely friend
Just came back home from a very lovely dinner with one of my good friends.
Went to an Italian restaurant in Hilton, JBR and ate pasta and tiramisu.
Sometimes you realize who truly are the best friends and people in life and would do anything for you no matter what. I know who cares and who's happy for me and what I have. The rest of you I wish you the best and never be jealous of anyone elses happiness, take is as a blessing and one day it will be yours too.

Lots of love

Nu har det gått två dagar utan telefon och jag känner att det börjar krypa i kroppen på mig. Jag fattar verkligen inte hur man klarade sig för i tiden?! Hela mitt liv i Dubai är uppbyggt efter min telefon och mina Bbm kontakter. 

Har idag istället haft tid för annat som att gå igenom ca 2000 semester bilder och kommit fram till att mitt liv är ganska underbart ändå *Även utan telefon*, som att leva i en dröm jag aldrig vill vakna upp ur...


I'm living the life I've thought I only could dream of living...

xx Sara

Monday, March 26, 2012

The worst nightmare ever

There is a reason why there is something called back up and why you should use it on your phone.
Because if you ever loose or break your phone you wont loose your contacts.
So today I was thinking to do this back up on the laptop in order to switch phones to my other Blackberry, but smart Emma wipes her phone so every single contact and mobile number she saved the past two years in Dubai is gone. I started crying!
So everyone out there, dont be as blonde as me and read carefully before doing something like this :p
Time to start over again

xx Emma

A piece of sweden visiting Dubai

10 amazing days with my family here visiting from Gothenburg. The weather has been fantastic so beach every day and tanning. Last week I took them
to one of my Emirati friends farm house outside Abu Dhabi, went jet skiing and had a big BBQ.
The weekend was spent mostly with my sis since she wanted to go out clubbing we went to People and Blue Marlin Ibiza- U.A.E. on friday. I went with Ellen, Sara and Linda to Ibiza last summer and Blue Marlin. Fanatstic how they made it look so great even here in U.A.E.
Now the normal week has begun and me, Sara and Ellen are working on some sort of "project".
You will find out more later on ;)
The weather is quite bad today for some reason so hitting the gym with Sara instead of the beach.

xx Emma

Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing,or why not do both?!

Sunday, March 25, 2012