Monday, May 28, 2012

Stockholm booked

Finally I decided to go to stockholm for a weekend to see my lovely baby and have some fun and spoil my self :) at grand

A piece of Sweden

Been working my as of for 3 weeks so from today it's time to have some fun again, so yesterday me and Lisa went to the grand prix speedway something :) I just love everything with speed..

 And today it's mothersday so me and my family went to an amusment park in Gothenburg to play around..

Thursday, May 17, 2012


The weekend is finally here, just a couple of hours left in the office and then 2 days off.. *dancingsmiley*
Trying to plan the summer and sort out what we want to do and where to go..

Det ar alldeles for varmt i Dubai nu, blir till att sitta inne pa dagarna och sen ut pa natten eller sa far man helt enkelt underhalla sig genom att ga pa malls eller sola nar man sitter pa en jetski istallet, gar ej att ligga och steka pa stranden.

Sa far helt enkelt se vad som hander denna helgen

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Roligare an sa har blir det inte pa kontoret =)


Vi maste ju vara samst pa att uppdatera bloggen.. Ingen true bloggare har inte haha..
Men ska forsoka uppdatera lite oftare.

Vi kor sten hard traning denna veckan sa darfor har vi inte gjort sa mycket roliga saker att blogga om, utan mest chillat med vanner och sa..
Har varit nere pa stranden pa Mina Salam hotell dar vi rokt shisha och druckit te med nagra vanner ifran Abu Dhabi.

Har vart pa salongen och fixat naglarna och sant ocksa.. En riktigt chill vecka och det kanns som det behovs ibland..

Forra helgen var vi givetvis pa BMI som vanligt men det borjar bli riktigt varmt nu man kunde knappt andas nar solen sken och stallet var fullt med folk.. Hade en grym kvall iaf och akte pa en kompis bat tillbaka till Dubai och sen till hans nattklubb pa efterfest =)

Puss pa er alla gullungar..

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Skydive Dubai

Doesn't it look amazing?

Underwater Hotel

Photo: Deep Ocean Technology
The race to see who can build the most outrageous hotel concept is on.

Building company Drydocks World and Swiss firm BIG InvestConsult are working together to develop underwater hotels, including the "Water Discus Hotel" in Dubai, reports
The plans for the Water Discus Hotels include various components, ensuring all guests can explore underwater in luxury. There are two spherical buildings (they look like giant spaceships) - an underwater and above-water one - connected by three legs providing stabilization and a long, vertical shaft that contains a elevator and stairway.
The elevator takes guests 32 feet below the surface of the ocean, where the 21 hotel rooms, dive center and a bar are located. It's being reported that each guest room will have special lighting so guests can photograph the sea life around them, and guests will be able to operate "miniature vehicles", designed by Deep Ocean Technology, that will take blown-up photographs of the surrounding sea creatures.
“Today, the advent of new technology made the heart of the ocean a setting not only for diving, but also for luxurious holidays," a BIG InvestConsult spokesperson said. "Now the innovative concept of Water Discus Hotels makes it all possible.”
Dubai is also home to the Burj Khalifa, which is the world’s tallest building.

Ganska härligt att vara tillbaka i Sverige faktiskt. Undra hur länge jag kommer tycka det bara..
Kommit igång bra med träningen med än gång iallafall. Så det är bara att köra på så man är fit för sommarens alla äventyr.. Kommer bli en grym sommar :)

And I missed my baby so much <3

All alone

As we have told you before our house has been like a hotel lately with people visiting from Sweden all the time. Latest Nina was here visiting for 10 days and we had a lot of fun.
The only problem is now that when everyone has left and Dubai is getting way too hot to enjoy you feel kind of lonely.
Nina went back to her life in Denmark on Sunday morning and then 10 hours later Sara decided that she had enough of the heat for this time and packed her bag. I know she will be back in anytime, or at least I hope she will. If not we will meet in Europe during the summer.

So now its Emma and I against the Dubai!!
Yesterday we went to a friends villa for bbq and some wine. One of the guys has a german shepherd puppy - adorable!!

Lite suddig men gud sa sooot

Reach out touch faith mother fucking nasty bitch

Tanning at Barasti

Touristing at the creek 

Taxi with Nina. WE MISS YOU

Met some friends for Lunch in the Burj

Burj Al Arab

Always good with some meditation while going crazy in BMI

On the boat to the Flower Power party

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The heat is back
Today its 40 degree outside. Its really starting to get too hot over here.
Most of the people who lives in Dubai travel during the summer since it's really insane how hot it can be.
From the 20th of July to 20th of August its the holy islamic month when the muslim community is fasting during daytime and most of the places are closed and the nightclubs are closed for the whole month.
So we are now planning what to do during the summer. Last year we went to Ibiza which was absolutely fantastic.
xx Emma

Some pics from Ibiza summer of 2011

                                                 Ellen, Sara and Linda in Ibiza downtown

                                                         The view from the villa we stayed in

                                                     Hannah, Emma and Linda in the pool

Saturday, May 5, 2012

På väg till yachten och Blue Marlin Ibiza U.A.E..

Flower power 60's party var helt galet igår som alltid.. Kommer sakna det stället så mycket när dom stänger.

                  Party yoga


Friday, May 4, 2012

Dodo shots

We love the Dodoooooooo shots

  • Vodka
  • Tabasco
  • Limejuice
  • Olives


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Känns som vi bor i ett hotell där folk checkar in/ut en efter en :) Vilket är fruktansvärt kul.. Så mitt jobb dom senaste veckorna har varit turist och party värdinna.. Denna veckan har vi äran att ha vår underbara vän Nina på besök <3

Ikväll kommer drivern och hämtar oss och kör oss till vårt hotell i Abu Dhabi, för att visa folket där hur vi svenskar festar.. För att i morgon åka tillbaka till Dubai och ta Yachten till Blue Marlin som alltid är lika galet och Amazing...